
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." -Mark Twain

We love to take pictures and videos so we always have something to refer back to when we are not sure about one of the trips we took. Digital photos has allowed us to capture so many places without worry of costs and the hassle of film and developing which we used to do in the days past. There must be tens of thousands of pictures in our collections that we have taken in the past numbers of years.
When you travel, you are experiencing a history lesson of the world. Not just local travel, which we do often, but leaving your safe surrounding and going places you only heard about in books or television. We travel to California to visit our two daughters who still live there and when we do, we still see many things that we never know existed. Different times of the year present different views of the terrain and buildings. But the best part of traveling is the great people you meet along the way. No matter where we have gone, from one end of the world to the other, people are very much the same. Yes, there are different foods and clothing but everyone still has a warm welcome when they meet us.

Just a sample of our photos

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