About Us

never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey

photo of sue with flowers

The exciting first cruise that Sue and Andy took, and it all happened because our two daughters were taking a cruise and asked us to go along as well. That trip to Alaska was all that it took as we were now obsessed on cruising.

Hi! We are Sue and Andy

After working for thirty plus years at Southern California Gas Company, we are now in our retirement years. Looking back, we are so proud of our three beautiful daughters who make our lives fulfilled. The first born, Julie, was brought into this world while I was in the military at an army hospital in Monterey, California. Then, a few years later, came some more joy as Andrea joined us and made us happy with her smile. A short time later, along came Kelli who added the final touch with her bubbly attitude and now we have a perfect combination of daughters.
As time has sailed by and our children have grown up, they now have families of their own with their own kids. Even though we live here in Gilbert, Arizona, we try and visit our girls, one of which live in California as often as possible.
It seems that you can only have so much fun without getting kind of crazy with your projects. Farming, beekeeping, raising children, greenhouses, hiking, construction, getting education, travel, moving from California to Arizona, camping, computer repair and a lot more are just some of the experiences we have done. Oh yes, did we mention, having a great time with all of it.

face of Sue
face of Andy

Some Fun With Our English Language

The bandage was wound around the wound.

The farm was used to produce produce.

The dump was so full it had to refuse refuse.

We polish Polish furniture.

He could lead if he would get the lead out.

The man decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

They were too close to the door to close it

A bass was painted on the bass drum.

When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

I did not object to the object.

The insurance for the invalid was invalid.

There was a row among the oarsmen about
how to row.

Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

Cruises We Have Taken ... So Far

July 2005


Our first cruise that we took and it all happened because our two daughters were going and asked us to go along as well.

July 2007


We loved the first cruise to Alaska and when Julie, one of our daughters, asked us to go to Hawaii along with her, we said yes. And we loved it.

September 2008

Panama Canal

From the moment we saw this cruise to the Panama Canal, we knew we had to go. When you go through the canal you are amazed.

October 2009


Canada is a beautiful country to see it during the fall color change and we were not disappointed. We even learned some French.

September 2010


The Caribbean is one of the most popular cruising destinations and we can see why. Most of the cruise ships will travel there at some point.

November 2012


OSue has always wanted to visit Rome and I always said I had no interest in going there. I’m glad we went there because there is so much to see.

November 2013


There is so much to see and do in the beautiful country of Spain. Lots of history and sites to see and who knew the influence of the Muslims there.

March 2014

South America

Starting in Buenos Aires, Argentina and ending up in Los Angeles, USA was a trip of a life time. This was the longest trip we had been on.

July 2014


The beautiful buildings and wonderful people made this trip so enjoyable that we both said we want to go back. Defiantly worth seeing.

November 2014


This was a trip that we took with all three of our daughters, their husbands and some of their children. What a wonderful time to be with the kids.

April 2015


A cruise to China and many of the surrounding countries showed us cultures that were exciting and fun. Lots of people everywhere.

June 2015


From Europe to Iceland and everything in between revealed some of the most magnificent landscapes that nature has made.

December 2016


Southeast Asia was a destination we had always wanted to visit and after going there we loved every moment. It was a very long flight there.

November 2018


This is one of our trips that we didn’t plan with much time. It was a cruise that stopped in 8 different islands so we said lets do it.

October 2019


We started in Vancouver, Canada and finished up in Sidney, Australia after a 60 day trip that ended up being the longest we ever took.

March 2023


Starting from Florida on March 5 we sailed the next twenty days and ended in Barcelona, Spain. We then took a train to Madrid and returned home April 12.

August 2023


Our family went on a cruise together leaving out of Long Beach and sailing to Mexico. We left on August 19 through the 26th and had a great time.

May 2024

North Sea

May 2 through July 3 cruise to Azores, Ireland, England, France, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Scotland, and Iceland.

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